Aftercare Programs
The Aftercare Program at RHOW House was designed for those individuals who have completed formalized chemical dependency drug alcohol treatment. Additionally, it serves as a group where individuals can openly discuss their day to day experiences on a regular basis. The Aftercare Program is also a source of information and referral if a person is experiencing difficulty in the recovery process. The Program continues to refine drug alcohol recovery plans and monitors post treatment progress.
RHOW House Aftercare will provide an opportunity for all graduating clients to be involved in a program in which there is ongoing support for an unlimited period of time. This program is designed to protect sobriety, provide for and promote long lasting recovery.
- The vision of RHOW House is to take the concept of Relapse as being an accepted part of Recovery as being a myth that must and will be broken.
- “It is absolutely possible to take the Relapse out of Recovery.”
- Each client will clearly learn to identify their individual and specific relapse signs and symptoms and develop effective methods of management.
- Aftercare groups will utilize group therapy, coaching, education, peer interaction and homework assignments that are designed to enable the client to clearly identify and overcome any potential obstacles to developing a recovery lifestyle.
- Employment problems or stresses will be addressed and resolved – Aftercare will focus on consolidating the progress that has been achieved and facilitating a strong recovery lifestyle.
- Aftercare will enable the client to learn effective methods to manage or reduce Stress.
- Aftercare will assist the client with maintaining Medication management and compliance.